Technical Writing

Links and other notes on the science and discipline of technical writing.

To load local HTML in your browser under Internet Explorer, you need the MOTW. But then, your links to files of non-HTML formats don't work. Here's a quick fix.
So you've got two WebWorks Help 5.0 helpsystems and you need to make them share the same table of contents, index and search features. Here's how.
As technical writers, we often get user feedback, either from internal groups, internally tested groups, or from the internet at large.
Put together the magic of the Google custom search engine and a few technical writing web sites, and you get the technical writing search engine that delivers meaningful results every time.
Short answer: explaining technical concepts and technological procedures to a larger audience than those who already know. Long answer: a bit of compassion, some engineering, and the ability to carefully use language.
Most women, and many men, don't want to work in IT because the working conditions are terrible. First, you as a worker are fodder for replacement. Your coworkers are all geeks without lives, so they're thrilled to stay until midnight for free pizza. Management are the only people who can stand being between geeks, who are socially incoherent, and marketing, who have lied so long truth is an oxymoron to them.
Some people consider technical writers to be an add-on to their application design and development process, and I think this is a mistake, although it makes our jobs easier.

Contact us if you need technical writing in Houston.

Technical Writers

Dionysius Technical Writers (Houston, Texas)

Chris Blanc (Technical Writer, Project Manager, Developer and Copywriter)

Chris Borokowski (Technical Writer and Web Developer)


Technical Writing Textbook

Writing for the Web

News Sources

User Advocacy Blog

Technical Writing Blog

Technical Communication

Technical Communication blog

Technical Communications at Bolg

User Advocacy Blog

Mailing Lists

TCP mailing list


Writers Writing


Patterns in Usability


Usability Web Site

Information Architecture

Information Architect


The Brand Gap

Style Guides

IBM Style Guide

Sun Style Guide

Microsoft Style Guide

Strunk and White: The Elements of Style

UC Style Guide

Chicago Manual of Style

Apple Style Guide

Apple User Experience Guidelines

Stephen King - On Writing


DITA open tookit

Introduction to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA)



Technical Writing Document library

Mailing Lists

TECHWR-L search:

Techcommpros Search:


International Symbols


Chris Borokowski

Chris Blanc